The Goons you work with

Monday morning is on the horizon. The weekend is fading. You are heading back to that office. For your sins. And to see these goons. Don’t you just love them…?! The lifer ‘I’ll just be here six months then I’ll find something else’ he or she said. In 1982. Hanging around for the pension. Will…

6 ways your teen self skirted with the law

1) Watching 18s when you were definitely not 18! 'This film contains strong language, violence, sexual content and drug abuse'. Result. That is definitely what my fragile, vulnerable, slowly developing 12 year old brain needs to be exposed to. I can't see that having any lasting effects at all, for example, a teenage vocabulary littered…

When Tinder fails

Sometimes when you are trying to chat a woman up on Tinder it just goes wrong… THE COMEDY OPENER Hedgehogs…why can’t they share? With great wit, I seized on this 30 something’s profile line and our shared passion for indie music. -Hi.  I guess hedgehogs don’t share because they are mainly pricks!  Wrote that myself. …